
INTRACEPT Resolves Her Pain For Good!

Posted on September 29, 2024

Advanced Pain Management & Spine Specialists (APMSS) takes great pride in its reputation for providing the very latest in pain relief. Their extensive list of advanced procedures provides Southwest Florida residents with minimally-invasive options that are effective and long-lasting.

For Melissa, a fierce determination to resume an active life brought her to Dr. Jonathan Daitch. Before being referred to Dr. Daitch, Melissa was getting partial relief through injections. Yet, they were having to be administered more and more frequently, with less and less relief.

Not unlike many patients with chronic lower back pain, Melissa’s issues dated back decades. Her initial problem was diagnosed as a teen when she learned she had mild scoliosis. With a passion for being active, she didn’t let this weigh her down with a devotion to staying fit and healthy.

About 10 years ago, Melissa began experiencing discomfort in her back while playing tennis. An MRI showed degeneration in 4 vertebrae. Things began to go downhill from there. In addition to limiting time with sports, she found that sitting for extended periods caused unbearable pain. This became a career-
crushing problem since her job required air travel to Europe, a 9-hour trek.

Over two years, activities that Melissa and her husband had enjoyed together dwindled. She had to quit the job she loved. She admits the lack of mobility and feeling confined put her into a dark period.

When she expressed her determination to find a way to be active again, her doctor suggested she be evaluated by Dr. Daitch.

An interventional pain management physician, Dr.
Jonathan Daitch brings a specific approach to the diagnosis and treatment of pain-related disorders. This includes a comprehensive approach to managing or eliminating pain coupled with advanced procedures. Many procedures are able to provide
long-term or lasting relief, often with complete relief of pain.

“Melissa was an ideal candidate for the Intracept® procedure,” states Dr. Daitch. “Intracept is the only procedure that targets a specific nerve the Basivertebral Nerve in the vertebrae for the relief of chronic low back pain. The beauty of the procedure is that it is lasting. There is no need for repetitive procedures.”

During her discussion with Dr. Daitch, he reassured her that her potential for pain relief was very high. “Although there are no guarantees with any procedure, we’ve seen good success rates with most patients,” Dr. Daitch explained.

Melissa did her homework on the Intracept procedure online. Now, having met with Dr. Daitch, she felt very confident in his hands based on his extensive experience in the procedure.

The procedure itself is rather quick, around 45 minutes. Melissa was in and out of Park Center for Procedures in about 3 hours. Initial recovery was challenging, however, as
the first two days caused a significant “aching pressure” as is typical when any surgery is performed. Pain medications helped during this time.

On the third day, Melissa noticed her prior back pain was much improved and the only pain she was experiencing was from the procedure itself. The fourth day was a clear sign the Intracept procedure worked. “This was a game changer for me,” Melissa shares. For her, it brought to light the extended impact of pain. “Chronic pain not only impacts your quality of life, it effects mental health and has an impact on entire families.”

Like many patients, Melissa was impressed by the interaction she had with Dr. Daitch. She felt he was personally committed to helping her regain the quality of life she had been determined to find. Having been very health conscious and active before her long struggle with disabling pain, Melissa is now on the road to getting her life back.

“Melissa is an excellent example of an individual who took charge of her health in spite of her insurance company’s denial for coverage for this necessary and indicated procedure,” Dr. Daitch
shares. “Despite having to pay for Intracept completely out-ofpocket, I believe she would have spent much more over time for procedures that would be ineffective.”

Dr. Daitch adds, “For people who have endured acute or chronic pain, our minimally-invasive procedures often help them avoid or delay the need for open surgery. And, the relief is typically to a level that helps them decrease or eliminate pain medications. Our goal is to minimize or stop pain at its source rather than mask it with pain medication.”

Learn more about Intracept® and other non-surgical options for pain relief by calling 239-437-8000 or visit:

8255 College Parkway, Suite 200, Fort Myers, FL 33919

Located in South Fort Myers on College Parkway between Winkler Road and Whiskey Creek Parkway